if graoh of y = g(x) passes through point (-3,-6) then graph of y = |g(x)| must pass through point.

how it be this answer i want to know

because for x value of 3, y would be -6 but |-6| is 6

x = -3
y = |-6| = 6

thank you damon i have lots more questions i posted that i not understand they i think be real down below other peoples questions.

It is almost 11 and I have to quit. Probably someone on the West Coast will see them.

its alright and thanks :)

To determine the point through which the graph of y = |g(x)| passes, we need to understand the effect of applying the absolute value function to g(x).

The equation y = |g(x)| represents the absolute value of g(x), which means that the y-values will always be positive or zero. This occurs because the absolute value function removes the negative sign from any negative output of g(x).

Given that the graph of y = g(x) passes through the point (-3, -6), we can deduce that the original function g(x) had a negative y-value at x = -3.

Applying the absolute value function to a negative number results in a positive number with the same magnitude. Hence, when we take the absolute value of -6, we get 6.

Therefore, the graph of y = |g(x)| must pass through the point (-3, 6).