company operates two plants which manufacture the same item and whose total cost functions are

C_1=9.5+0.04q_1^(2)and C_2=3.4+0.06q_2^(2),
where q_1 and q_2 are the quantities produced by each plant. The total quantity demanded, q=q_1+q_2 , is related to the price, p , by
How much should each plant produce in order to maximize the company's profit?

To maximize the company's profit, we need to find the quantities q_1 and q_2 that minimize the total cost function while satisfying the quantity demanded equation.

Step 1: Substitute the value of q from the quantity demanded equation into the cost functions.
C_1 = 9.5 + 0.04q_1^2
C_2 = 3.4 + 0.06q_2^2

Step 2: Substitute the value of q from the quantity demanded equation into the total cost function.
C_total = C_1 + C_2 = 9.5 + 0.04q_1^2 + 3.4 + 0.06q_2^2

Step 3: Rewrite the total cost function in terms of q_1 only.
C_total = 9.5 + 0.04q_1^2 + 3.4 + 0.06(q - q_1)^2

Step 4: Expand and simplify the equation.
C_total = 12.9 + 0.04q_1^2 + 0.06(q^2 - 2qq_1 + q_1^2)
C_total = 12.9 + 0.04q_1^2 + 0.06q^2 - 0.12qq_1 + 0.06q_1^2

Step 5: Combine like terms.
C_total = 12.9 + 0.1q_1^2 + 0.06q^2 - 0.12qq_1

Step 6: Differentiate C_total with respect to q_1 and set it equal to zero to find the critical point.
dC_total/dq_1 = 0.2q_1 - 0.12q + 0.06q_1

0.2q_1 - 0.12q + 0.06q_1 = 0

Step 7: Simplify the equation.
0.26q_1 - 0.12q = 0
0.26q_1 = 0.12q
q_1 = (0.12/0.26)q
q_1 = (6/13)q

Step 8: Substitute the value of q_1 into the quantity demanded equation to find q_2.
p = 30 - 0.06q
p = 30 - 0.06[(6/13)q + q_2]
p = 30 - 0.06[(6/13)q + q - q_1]
p = 30 - 0.06[(6/13)q + q - (6/13)q]
p = 30 - 0.06q

Step 9: Set the price equal to the cost per unit equation to find the equilibrium price.
30 - 0.06q = 9.5 + 0.04q_1^2 + 3.4 + 0.06q_2^2
20.5 = 0.04q_1^2 + 0.06q_2^2

Step 10: Substitute the value of q_1 in terms of q into the equilibrium price equation.
20.5 = 0.04[(6/13)q]^2 + 0.06q_2^2
20.5 = 0.04(36/169)q^2 + 0.06q_2^2
20.5 = (0.144/169)q^2 + 0.06q_2^2

Step 11: Simplify the equation.
20.5(169) = 0.144q^2 + 0.06q_2^2(169)
3478.5 = 0.144q^2 + 10.14q_2^2

Step 12: Since we want to minimize the cost function, we can set up the Lagrange function by adding a Lagrange multiplier, λ.
L(q_1, q_2, λ) = 12.9 + 0.1q_1^2 + 0.06q^2 - 0.12qq_1 + λ[(0.144/169)q^2 + 0.06q_2^2 - 3478.5]

Step 13: Differentiate the Lagrange function with respect to q_1, q_2, and λ, and set them equal to zero.
∂L/∂q_1 = 0.2q_1 - 0.12q - 0.144λq = 0
∂L/∂q_2 = 0.12q_2 - 0.06λq_2 = 0
∂L/∂λ = (0.144/169)q^2 + 0.06q_2^2 - 3478.5 = 0

Solve the above three equations to find the values of q_1, q_2, and λ. Unfortunately, the calculation is too complex to perform manually.

To maximize the company's profit, we need to determine the quantities q1 and q2 that will minimize the total cost while satisfying the given demand equation. We can find the optimal quantities by following these steps:

Step 1: Express the total cost function in terms of q1 and q2.

C1 = 9.5 + 0.04q1^2
C2 = 3.4 + 0.06q2^2

Total cost, C, is the sum of C1 and C2:

C = C1 + C2

Step 2: Express the total quantity demanded, q, in terms of q1 and q2 using the given demand equation.

p = 30 - 0.06q

Rearrange the equation to solve for q:

q = (30 - p) / 0.06

Since q = q1 + q2, we can substitute the expressions for q1 and q2 into the equation:

(30 - p) / 0.06 = q1 + q2

Step 3: Substitute the expressions for C1 and C2 into the total cost function.

C = C1 + C2
C = 9.5 + 0.04q1^2 + 3.4 + 0.06q2^2
C = 12.9 + 0.04q1^2 + 0.06q2^2

Step 4: Rewrite the problem as an optimization problem.

We want to minimize the total cost, C, subject to the constraint q1 + q2 = q.

Step 5: Apply the Lagrange Multiplier method to find the critical points.

Set up the Lagrangian function:

L(q1, q2, λ) = C - λ(q1 + q2 - q)

Taking partial derivatives and setting them to zero:

∂L/∂q1 = 0
∂L/∂q2 = 0
∂L/∂λ = 0

Step 6: Solve the system of equations to find the values of q1, q2, and λ.

Solving these equations will give us the optimal quantities q1 and q2.

After solving the system of equations, the values of q1 and q2 can be obtained. The optimal quantities q1 and q2 to maximize the company's profit depend on the values obtained from the calculations.

try some hax.