Michael went scuba diving. He dropped 80 ft. below sea level.He saw a shark and came up 15 ft. to get away. When the coast was clear he sank 25 more feet. What integer represents Michael's original drop in sea level?

Wouldnt that be 85 feet below sea level?

he originally dropped 80 feet. the rest came later.

To find the integer that represents Michael's original drop in sea level, we need to subtract the distance he ascended to escape from the shark and the distance he sank after the shark was gone from the final depth he reached.

Michael dropped 80 ft. below sea level, then came up 15 ft., and sank 25 ft. below the final depth. So, we need to perform the following calculations:

Original drop = 80 ft. + 15 ft. + 25 ft.
Original drop = 120 ft.

Therefore, the integer that represents Michael's original drop in sea level is -120.