i have to make poster that show global environmental problem of present and future. i got to divide my paper into 4 seprate component and label air, water, soil, and forests and i have to draw 4-10 environmental problems in each component quarter, and on back of sheet i have to say what i do to help solve these problem. i not so good with the environment and how it works but here are some problems i get.



-Acid Rain

-transportation by automobiles

- burning in stationary resources, residential, commericial, industrial heating and cooling(burning of fossil fuels coal oil and natural gas make carbon dioxide which make temperature rise.

-global warming (species have to find different habitats) sea ice shrinking polar bears in trouble

-coal burning powerplants

-ozone layer(uv radiation)


-Harmful pollutants released in ocean rivers lakes like oils garbage


- farmers use agricultural chemicals in herbecides and pesticides

-pollutants thrown on land like landfills, garbage

-urbanization, industrialization

-desertification(vegetation nutrients removed)


-Wind patterns

-Preciptiationm levels

-Homes for people being destroyed

Solutions to these problems.

-drive less and drive smart

-use less heat air conditioning

-start walking

-help reduce paper waste



-energy efficient products and greener products

-plant a tree


-less hot water

-dont litter


-reduce reuse recycle

-global paper


not fresh water, i not understand groundwater. i not understand this meaning :Falling groundwater tables and diversion of surface supplies are the main causes of shortages. i also want to know what this mean :aquifers
I not know what these go under:
Use off switch
encourage others to conserve
change a light bulb

can i please get more things i need some more for soil and forests and water solutions and problems please.

Groundwater is carried in underground streams of water. Our wells go down to bring up groundwater. An aquifer is water that is contained under ground.

Ways to conserve soil:
Rotate crops so that the minerals are replenished
Don't plow to prevent the wind from blowing it away.

Way to preserve forests:
Plant trees to replace trees that have been cut down.

Water solutions:
Don't plant lawns and crops in dry areas.
Make sure that gas lines don't leak.
Limit business and housing developments in dry areas.

Your ideas are excellent!

thanks very much ms. sue :) i only got one problem for water what others there be? and i also not know what these go under Use off switch, encourage others to conserve ,change a light bulb

You're very welcome, Mohammad.

Use off switch and change a light bulb are both ways to conserve energy. Electricity is often produced by fossil fuels.

To better understand groundwater, it is important to know the concept of aquifers. Aquifers are underground layers of permeable rock, sand, or gravel that contain and transmit water. They act like natural underground reservoirs that provide water to wells, springs, and surface water bodies.

"Falling groundwater tables and diversion of surface supplies are the main causes of shortages" means that a decrease in the water level within the aquifers and when water is redirected from its natural flow on the surface, it leads to water scarcity.

Here are some additional environmental problems and solutions for soil, forests, and water:


- Soil erosion due to deforestation or improper land management practices
- Contamination from industrial chemicals and waste
- Overuse of fertilizers and pesticides leading to nutrient imbalance and degradation of soil quality

- Implement sustainable agricultural practices such as crop rotation and organic farming
- Reduce chemical use by opting for natural alternatives or integrated pest management methods
- Promote soil conservation techniques like terracing, contour plowing, and windbreaks


- Illegal logging and deforestation
- Loss of biodiversity and destruction of habitats
- Forest fires due to human activities or natural causes

- Support sustainable forestry practices and use certified wood products
- Participate in reforestation efforts and tree planting initiatives
- Raise awareness about the importance of forests and their role in mitigating climate change


- Water pollution from industrial discharges, agricultural runoff, and improper waste management
- Depletion of freshwater resources from excessive usage and climate change impacts
- Inefficient water infrastructure leading to leakages and water waste

- Practice water conservation at home, such as fixing leaky faucets and using water-efficient appliances
- Promote responsible water management in industries and agriculture
- Support initiatives to protect water sources and ensure access to clean water for all

Regarding the phrases "Use off switch," "encourage others to conserve," and "change a light bulb," these are actions that contribute to energy conservation. They imply turning off lights or electronics when not in use, promoting energy-saving habits among others, and using energy-efficient light bulbs, respectively.

Remember, these are just a few examples, and there are many other environmental problems and solutions that you can consider for your poster. Researching and gaining a deeper understanding of each topic will help you create a more comprehensive and impactful project.