Solving Equations with Grouping Symbols:


Please explain how to do this

Use Distributive Property
Combine like terms
Solve by using inverse operations


3g - 9 = 6

3g - 9 + 9 = 6 + 9

3g = 15

g = 15/3

g = 5

What about :


I don't understand it still


Parentheses means multiply.

10c + 35 = 80

Get the knowns on one side -- so subtract 35 from each side.

10c + 35 - 35 = 80 - 35

10c = 45

Divide both sides by 10

c = 45/10

c = 4.5

Good morning I am actually trying to help my nephew who lives with me,he has a hard time understanding math and how to solve the equations. Is there anyone who can give me help on solving this & like problems with step by step (written in words explaining exactly how to solve it). 3(c+5)=12. 5(4d+8)=40. -(2k-11)=7. 3/4(4x+8)=-12. 1/3(9c-36)=-9. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you Ann

To solve the equation 3(g-3)=6, follow these steps:

Step 1: Use the Distributive Property
Apply the distributive property by multiplying the 3 outside the parentheses by each term inside the parentheses:
3 * g = 3g
3 * -3 = -9
So the equation becomes: 3g - 9 = 6.

Step 2: Combine like terms
Combine the terms on the left side of the equation (3g - 9). Since there are no other terms on the left side, it remains the same: 3g - 9.

Step 3: Solve by using inverse operations
To isolate the variable g, we need to get rid of the constant term -9. Since -9 is being subtracted from 3g, we can get rid of it by adding 9 to both sides of the equation, maintaining the equality:
3g - 9 + 9 = 6 + 9
3g = 15.

Step 4: Solve for g
To solve for g, divide both sides of the equation by 3:
3g/3 = 15/3
g = 5.

Therefore, the value of g that satisfies the equation 3(g-3)=6 is g = 5.