Ok listed below is the question. I have chosen to use incarcerated women with a mental illness: nature vs. nurture. Population will be women who have been incarcerated and diagnosed with a mental illness between the ages of 18 and 50. I am having trouble identifying what the experimental research methods are here.

Design a research study utilizing experimental research methods.
1.Describe your sample population.
2.Describe the experimental method(s) that you selected to utilize in your research study and explain why you selected these methods.
3.Speculate on your expected outcome (s) of the study

There are many different types of mental illnesses. You need to be more specific in terms of what disorder(s) you are considering in your sample.

What do you want to find out about this group? In other words, what do you want to know about the group?

If using a classical experimental method, how will you define your experimental and control group?

To design a research study utilizing experimental research methods for studying the nature vs. nurture factors in incarcerated women with a mental illness, follow these steps:

1. Sample Population:
The sample population for your research study will consist of women who have been incarcerated and diagnosed with a mental illness, aged between 18 and 50.

2. Experimental Methods:
Experimental research methods involve manipulating variables and measuring the effects to establish cause-and-effect relationships. In this case, you can utilize the following experimental methods:

a) Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT):
With an RCT, you randomly assign participants into two groups: an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group receives a specific treatment or intervention, while the control group does not. By comparing the outcomes of both groups, you can assess the impact of a specific intervention on incarcerated women with a mental illness.

b) Quasi-Experimental Design:
If it is not feasible to randomly assign participants to groups in your study, you can use a quasi-experimental design. This involves selecting two or more groups with similar characteristics but differing exposure to the variable of interest. For example, you can compare incarcerated women with a mental illness who have received mental health treatment (treatment group) with those who have not (comparison group).

c) Pre- and Post-Test Design:
In this design, you collect data from your sample population before and after applying an intervention or treatment. This allows for comparisons between the initial and final outcomes within the same group. You can use this method to assess the effectiveness of specific interventions on incarcerated women with mental illnesses.

The choice of these methods depends on the specific research questions, available resources, and ethical considerations. The selected experimental methods allow for the identification of causal relationships and the examination of the impact of specific interventions on incarcerated women with a mental illness.

3. Expected Outcome:
The expected outcome(s) of the study can vary depending on the specific interventions or treatments being examined. However, it is reasonable to expect that the provision of mental health treatment to incarcerated women with mental illnesses could have positive outcomes such as reduced recidivism rates, improved mental well-being, and increased chances of successful reintegration into society. However, the actual outcomes can only be determined through the data analysis of the study findings.

In conclusion, for researching the nature vs. nurture factors in incarcerated women with a mental illness, you can utilize experimental research methods such as a randomized controlled trial, quasi-experimental designs, and pre- and post-test designs. These methods enable the investigation of causal relationships and the assessment of the impact of specific interventions on the sample population. The expected outcomes will depend on the specific interventions being studied, but positive effects on mental health and reintegration prospects may be anticipated.