Find the measure of each interior angle using the given information

quadrilateral RSTU with m<R=6x-4,m<S=2r+8

and how did you come up with answer?

If RSTU is any old quadrilateral, then there's no way to figure the other two angles. All we know is that all 4 angles add up to 360.

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I don't now

To find the measure of each interior angle in quadrilateral RSTU, we need to know that the sum of the interior angles in any quadrilateral is equal to 360 degrees.

Let's assign variables to the given angles:
m<R = 6x - 4
m<S = 2r + 8

Using the property that opposite angles in a quadrilateral are congruent, we can find the measure of the other two angles in terms of x and r.

m<T = m<R = 6x - 4
m<U = m<S = 2r + 8

Now we can set up an equation to find the sum of the angles in the quadrilateral:

(m<R) + (m<S) + (m<T) + (m<U) = 360
(6x - 4) + (2r + 8) + (6x - 4) + (2r + 8) = 360

Simplifying the equation:

12x + 4r + 12 = 360
12x + 4r = 348

Now we have an equation with two variables, x and r. Without additional information about the relationship between x and r, we cannot solve for their specific values. Therefore, we cannot determine the exact measure of each interior angle in quadrilateral RSTU.

To find the measure of each interior angle in a quadrilateral, we need more information. However, I can guide you on how to set up the equation to solve for the measures of the angles based on the given information.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the given information: m<R = 6x - 4 and m<S = 2r + 8.

2. Recall that in a quadrilateral, the sum of all interior angles is 360 degrees. Therefore, the sum of angles R, S, T, and U is 360 degrees.

3. Replace m<R and m<S with their given expressions: 6x - 4 for angle R and 2r + 8 for angle S. Now, the sum of these two angles and angles T and U is 360 degrees.

4. Write the equation: (6x - 4) + (2r + 8) + angle T + angle U = 360.

Now, at this point, we would need additional information about the measure of angles T and U or a relationship between those angles to solve the equation and find the measure of each interior angle in quadrilateral RSTU.

However, since the measure for angle T and angle U is not provided, we cannot determine the exact measure of each interior angle with the given information alone.

If you have any additional information or specific measurements for angles T and U, please provide them, so I can assist you further.