Rachel gave 1/4 of a pie to each of 5 friends. How many pies did she give to her friends in all? Write the mixed number.

chapter 7 write a mixed number and a fraction greater than 1 that name the pat filled

1/4 times 5 = 1/4 * 5/1 = 5/4, The improper fraction. The mixed number is 1 1/4.

To find the total number of pies Rachel gave to her friends, we need to multiply the number of friends by the fraction of a pie given to each friend.

Rachel gave 1/4 of a pie to each of her 5 friends. To find how many pies in total, we will multiply 1/4 by 5.

1/4 * 5 = 5/4

Since a mixed number is a whole number combined with a fraction, we divide the numerator (5) by the denominator (4):

5 ÷ 4 = 1 remainder 1

This means that Rachel gave her friends 1 pie and remaining 1/4 of a pie.

Therefore, the answer as a mixed number would be: 1 1/4.

1 1/4