what is a carnivore? herbivore? omnivore?


carnivore = meat-eater

herbivore = plant-eater
omnivore = eater of both plants and animals

Thank You! :)

A carnivore is an animal that primarily feeds on other animals. A herbivore is an animal that mainly eats plants and vegetation. An omnivore is an animal that consumes both plants and animals. To understand these terms, you can break down the root words:

1. Carnivore: The word "carni" is derived from the Latin word "caro," which means "flesh" or "meat." So, a carnivore is an animal that has adapted to eat meat as its primary food source.

2. Herbivore: The word "herbi" comes from the Latin word "herba," meaning "plants." Hence, a herbivore is an animal that mainly relies on plants and vegetation as its primary source of nutrients.

3. Omnivore: The term "omni" originates from the Latin word "omnis," which means "all" or "every." Therefore, an omnivore is an animal that has the ability to eat a variety of foods, including both plants and animals.

Keep in mind that while these terms describe general dietary preferences of animals, there can be variations and exceptions within each category. Some animals may have adaptations allowing them to switch between being herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores based on different circumstances.