A strong search strategy for a search engine would include which of the following?

A. Entering one or two related words
B. Using several synonymous terms in the search
C. Reading all the hits from your first search
D. Using quotation marks, hyphens, and unique words

my answer is B

B would be corect

In a (----), consumers ultimately decide what should be produced.

A strong search strategy for a search engine would include which of the following?

The Answer is:

D. Using quotation marks, hyphens, and unique words

A strong search strategy for a search engine would typically include multiple elements to increase the effectiveness of the search and retrieve more relevant results. Let's go through each option to determine the best answer:

A. Entering one or two related words: While entering one or two related words can be a starting point for a search, it might result in too broad a range of results. It is generally better to use more specific keywords to narrow down the search.

B. Using several synonymous terms in the search: This is an excellent strategy. Including several synonymous terms in the search, also known as using keywords, can help broaden the search and capture more relevant results.

C. Reading all the hits from your first search: This option is not recommended, especially for large-scale searches. The number of hits from a search can be in the thousands or even millions, making it impractical to read through them all individually. Instead, it is better to use other search strategies to refine and narrow down the results.

D. Using quotation marks, hyphens, and unique words: This is also an effective strategy. By using quotation marks around a phrase or specific words, you can search for exact matches, which can be helpful in finding specific information. Using hyphens to exclude certain words or phrases can further refine the search. Additionally, using unique or specific words can help find more specialized information.

Based on the analysis of each option, the correct answer would be: B. Using several synonymous terms in the search.