Utilizing the publication search function on EDSeek's Home page, which of the following companies publishes Pediatric Nursing?

A. Elsevier Science Publishers
B. Advanstar Communications, Inc.
C. Royal College of Nursing Publishing Company
D. Jannetti Publications, Inc.

my answer is C

Jiskha does not have access to Penn-Foster materials.

the answer is Jannetti Publications, Inc .. i just used the royal college answer and got it wrong!

i looked it up it is jannetti!

To find out which company publishes Pediatric Nursing using the publication search function on EDSeek's Home page, you need to follow these steps:

1. Go to the EDSeek's Home page.
2. Look for the search bar or the publication search function.
3. Type in "Pediatric Nursing" into the search bar.
4. Click on the search button or press enter to initiate the search.
5. Look through the search results for the publisher information.

Based on the options you provided, if EDSeek's Home page search function indicates that the publisher of "Pediatric Nursing" is the Royal College of Nursing Publishing Company, then your answer, in this case, would be correct, which is option C.