Q2. Correct the sequence of Tenses in the following sentences.

1. Ali said that he had worked hard all day, that he was tired and that he will go to bed early.
2. The boy ran away from home. He will never come back.
3. Had the man ever told you that he has been beaten by her wife first time?
4. The man reported the fact that he has heard a shot in the street to the police.
5. John had a very good memory, which he had always thought of as a great advantage. He stores up the things his friends said to him and if he did not understand them.

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Ali said that he worked hard all day, that he was tired and that he will go to bed early.

The boy ran away from home. He will never come back.
He has been beaten by her wife first time, had the man ever told you.
The man reported the fact that he had heard a shot in the street to the police

To correct the sequence of tenses in the given sentences, we need to ensure that the verb tenses are consistent and logical. Here's the corrected version of each sentence:

1. Ali said that he had worked hard all day, that he was tired, and that he would go to bed early.
Explanation: The verb tense sequence is corrected by using past perfect tense (had worked) to indicate that the action of working hard occurred before the time of speaking. In the second part, simple past tense (was tired) is used to reflect that Ali was tired at the same time he spoke. Lastly, future tense (would go) is used to express Ali's intention to go to bed early in the future.

2. The boy ran away from home. He will never come back.
Explanation: No correction is needed in this sentence. The verb tenses used are consistent and logical. Simple past tense (ran) indicates an action that happened in the past, and future tense (will come) indicates a future action.

3. Had the man ever told you that he had been beaten by his wife for the first time?
Explanation: To correct the sequence of tenses, past perfect tense (had been beaten) is used to indicate that the action of being beaten happened before the time of speaking. Additionally, the pronoun "her" is changed to "his" to maintain consistency.

4. The man reported to the police that he had heard a shot in the street.
Explanation: The verb tense sequence is corrected by using past perfect tense (had heard) to indicate that the action of hearing the shot occurred before the time of reporting.

5. John had a very good memory, which he had always thought of as a great advantage. He stored up the things his friends said to him and if he did not understand them.
Explanation: The verb tense sequence is corrected by using past perfect tense (had thought) to indicate that the thinking about memory as an advantage occurred before the time of speaking. In the second part, simple past tense (stored) is used to show an action that happened in the past.