Which state capital is east of 90 degrees W longitude: Jackson, Indianapolis, St. Paul? My answer is Indianapolis.

2. Describe the Pacific Ocean's location in relation to the continents it touches. The Pacific Ocean is East of Asia and Australia and West of North America and South America
Can you tell me if my answers are correct?

Your answers are correct. :-)

What state is located within the longitude line of 90 degrees W?

Yes, your answers are correct! Let me explain how I arrived at the same answers.

1. To determine which state capital is east of 90 degrees W longitude, you need to compare the longitudes of the given options: Jackson, Indianapolis, and St. Paul. Longitude measures east and west from the Prime Meridian, which is 0 degrees longitude, and goes up to 180 degrees both east and west. Therefore, if a location has a longitude greater than 90 degrees W, it is in the western hemisphere.

The longitude of Jackson is around 90 degrees W, so it is on the boundary. Indianapolis is approximately 86 degrees W, which is clearly east of 90 degrees W, making your answer Indianapolis. St. Paul is around 93 degrees W, so it is also in the western hemisphere.

2. Understanding the Pacific Ocean's location in relation to the continents it touches involves knowing their general positions on the globe. Let's break it down:

Asia is predominantly located in the eastern hemisphere, and the Pacific Ocean lies to the east of most of Asia.

Australia is entirely located in the southern hemisphere, and the Pacific Ocean lies to the east of Australia.

North America spans across both the northern and western hemispheres, and the Pacific Ocean is situated to the west of North America.

South America is primarily situated in the southern hemisphere, and the Pacific Ocean is positioned to the west of most of South America.

Given this explanation, it is correct to say that the Pacific Ocean is east of Asia and Australia and west of North America and South America.

Great job on your answers! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.