
whats another way using 5/4s to equal 55

try to divide each number by 4. So 44/4s=11s and the other number is the same which is 44/4s=11s

SO the answer is 22s=55 which is s=55/22 and simplify it...how did you get 5/4s???
another way is just to add the two 44's and divide by 4s.

2 1/5 - 1 3/4=

To solve the equation 44 + 44/4s = 55 using 5/4s, let's manipulate the equation to isolate 5/4s.

Step 1: Start with the given equation:
44 + 44/4s = 55

Step 2: Multiply through by 4s to eliminate the denominator:
4s(44) + 4s(44/4s) = 4s(55)

Step 3: Simplify the equation by canceling out terms:
176s + 44 = 220s

Step 4: Move all s terms to one side of the equation:
176s - 220s = -44

Step 5: Combine like terms:
-44s = -44

Step 6: Divide both sides of the equation by -44 to solve for s:
-44s / -44 = -44 / -44
s = 1

So, when using 5/4s to equal 55, the value of s is 1.