1. At what Celsius temperature does water boil.

2. How many days are in the month of August.

31 days in August


Water freezes at 0.
Water boils at 100.


water boils at 100 degrees Celsius, just remember-- water freezes at 0, and it boils at 100. Easy to remember :)

1. To determine the temperature at which water boils in Celsius, we need to understand the boiling point of water. Water boils when its vapor pressure equals the atmospheric pressure surrounding it. At sea level, where the atmospheric pressure is considered to be 1 atmosphere (atm), water boils at 100 degrees Celsius (°C).

2. To find out the number of days in a specific month, such as August, we can follow these steps:
- Start by checking if the month has a fixed number of days, such as February, which usually has 28 days.
- For months like August, which have varying lengths, we need to refer to a calendar or use a code or program to obtain the answer.
- If you have a physical calendar, simply count the number of days listed in the month of August.
- If you prefer a digital method, you can use various tools, such as online calendars, smartphone apps, or search engines. By typing "August calendar" or "days in August" into a search engine, it will provide the desired information. Additionally, you can refer to popular productivity or time-management apps, which usually include a calendar feature.