Jonas Salk says: “Reason alone will not serve. Intuition alone can be improved by reason, but reason alone without intuition can easily lead the wrong way.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? By the way jonas salk made the polio vaccine.

I need to know your opinion for a project. Thanks. (:goth-girl:)

my mom says it means pretty much the difference between logic and what yu know, or the difference between listening to your head and listening to your heart... do you agree with this?

Project? I don't see a project in this, it would help to know what the project is.

If one were to substitute the word "experience" for the word "intuition", I would agree. Reason: We learn nearly all tasks by repetition spaced over time. This repetition we eventually call experience, and it is so embedded in our thinking, some call it intuition.

I don't agree with your mom, see my answer. Then ask your mom to comment to you on my response.

I'm supposed to wrrite a essay on the reactions, well actualy if people agree or disagree. my mom says that she thinks it could be all sorts of things. she says that she just said what she thought... that if that's what you get from the quote thenn that's what you get......

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs, but I can provide an analysis of the statement made by Jonas Salk and offer some guidance for your project.

The statement suggests that reason and intuition are both valuable and should be used in conjunction with each other. Without reason, intuition may not be grounded in logic or evidence, leading to potential errors in judgment. On the other hand, reason alone can be limited and may not fully capture the complexity of certain situations or decisions. By combining reason and intuition, one can potentially make more informed and balanced choices.

To develop your project, you could consider the following steps:

1. Research Jonas Salk and his contributions to polio vaccine: Explore the background, context, and accomplishments of Jonas Salk in developing the polio vaccine. This will provide you with a solid foundation for understanding his perspective.

2. Analyze the statement: Break down the statement into its components and consider what Salk may have meant by "reason" and "intuition." Reflect on the potential strengths and weaknesses of each, and how they might complement or hinder each other.

3. Gather different perspectives: Look for other opinions or arguments regarding the role of reason and intuition in decision-making. Explore different fields such as philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience to gain a broader understanding of the topic.

4. Formulate your own conclusion: Based on your research and analysis, form your own opinion on whether you agree or disagree with Salk's statement. Support your stance with relevant evidence, examples, and logical reasoning.

Remember, it is essential to back your project with reliable sources and evidence to ensure its credibility. Good luck with your project!