What was the cause of the peloponnesian war?

A. Greeks sought revenge for the persian wars
B. Sparta wanted control of the powerful athneian army
C. Many greeks outside of athens resented athenian domination
I got B.

Around 700 B.C Athenians became unhappy with their form of government. What new type of government replaced it ?
A. Aristocracy
B. Democracy
C. Oligarchy
D. Monarchy
I got B.

d is the first i think second is a ?

For the first question about the cause of the Peloponnesian War, you selected option B, which states that Sparta wanted control of the powerful Athenian army. This is correct.

The Peloponnesian War was fought between Athens and Sparta, the two most powerful city-states in ancient Greece, from 431 to 404 BC. The war had multiple causes, but one of the main factors was the growing tension between Athens and Sparta due to their differing political and military ambitions.

Athens had become a dominant naval power after the Persian Wars and started to form alliances with other city-states, creating an empire called the Delian League. Some Greeks outside of Athens began to resent Athenian domination and wanted to break free from this alliance.

On the other hand, Sparta was a militaristic city-state known for its powerful army. It feared Athens' growing influence and saw it as a threat to its own power. Sparta sought to assert its control over the Greek city-states and weaken Athens' dominance, which ultimately led to the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War.

Moving on to the second question, you selected option B, which states that democracy replaced the previous form of government in Athens. This is also correct.

Around 700 B.C, Athens underwent significant political changes. The previously existing government, which was often ruled by aristocrats, became unpopular among the Athenian citizens. They demanded a more inclusive and participatory system of governance.

In response to this demand, Athens transitioned to a new type of government called democracy. Democracy means "rule by the people," and it gave the citizens of Athens, who were male adult citizens of Athenian descent, the right to participate in decision-making processes.

In the Athenian democracy, citizens could gather in the assembly to discuss and vote on important matters. Additionally, citizens were selected by lot to serve on various governing bodies and courts, ensuring a wider representation of the people in running the city.

So, in summary, option B is the correct answer for both questions. The Peloponnesian War was caused by Sparta's desire to control the Athenian army, and democracy replaced the previous form of government in Athens around 700 B.C.

I disagree with both of your answers.




No for both of your answers. Read your text or the websites I posted.