You decide to perform proximate analysis on a sample from your best friend's diet. Most abundant component(s) in nitrogen free extract of diet would be:

a) insoluble fibre
b) starch
c) triglyceride
d) Sodium and potassium

I know the correct answer is b) starch but if possible, would anyone be able to explain why this is the correct answer. Thanks, any help is appreciated!

To determine the most abundant component in the nitrogen-free extract of a diet, you would typically perform proximate analysis. Proximate analysis involves breaking down a substance into various components, such as water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, and ash (mineral content). Nitrogen-free extract (NFE) represents the fraction of the food that is made up of carbohydrates, such as sugars and starches, after proteins, fats, ash, and fiber have been accounted for.

In this case, you are specifically looking for the most abundant component within the nitrogen-free extract. The options given are insoluble fiber, starch, triglyceride, and sodium and potassium.

Insoluble fiber is a type of carbohydrate, but it is not typically the most abundant component in the nitrogen-free extract. Its function is mainly related to promoting bowel regularity and maintaining digestive health.

Triglycerides are fats, and while they are a type of organic compound found in the diet, they do not fall within the nitrogen-free extract category. Triglycerides fall under the classification of lipids, not carbohydrates.

Sodium and potassium are minerals and are part of what is categorized as the "ash" component of proximate analysis. These minerals are present in small amounts and do not make up a significant proportion of the nitrogen-free extract.

Starch, on the other hand, is a type of carbohydrate and can be a major component of the nitrogen-free extract. It is a storage form of glucose in plants and is one of the primary sources of energy for many organisms, including humans. Starch is commonly found in foods such as grains, potatoes, and legumes.

Given this information, the most likely abundant component in the nitrogen-free extract of the diet sample would be b) starch.