During the month of November, it rained on 12 of the 30 days. It also snowed on 3 days. On what percent did it rain? On what percent of days did it snow?

It rained 12 of 30 days which is 12/30 of the month. 12/30 = 0.4 = 40%

If you try to figure the percentage of the days it snowed and post it here, we'll be glad to check it for you.

it snowed on 3 of the 30 days which is 3/30 of a month. 3/30 = 0.3 = 30%

To find the percentage of days it rained, you can use the formula:

(Number of rainy days / Total number of days) × 100

In this case, the number of rainy days is 12 and the total number of days is 30. We can plug in these values to calculate the percentage:

(12 / 30) × 100 = 0.4 × 100 = 40%

So, it rained on 40% of the days in November.

To find the percentage of days it snowed, you can use the same formula. The number of snowy days is 3, and since there are still a total of 30 days in November, we can calculate the percentage:

(3 / 30) × 100 = 0.1 × 100 = 10%

So, it snowed on 10% of the days in November.

To find the percentage of days it rained, divide the number of days it rained (12) by the total number of days in November (30), and then multiply by 100.

Percentage of days it rained = (Number of days it rained / Total number of days) * 100

Percentage of days it rained = (12 / 30) * 100 = 40%

Therefore, it rained on 40% of the days in November.

To find the percentage of days it snowed, divide the number of days it snowed (3) by the total number of days in November (30), and then multiply by 100.

Percentage of days it snowed = (Number of days it snowed / Total number of days) * 100

Percentage of days it snowed = (3 / 30) * 100 = 10%

Therefore, it snowed on 10% of the days in November.