How to ask where someone is going in spanish?

donde va?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. When you are working with the verb "ir" (to go) be sure you include the "a" (the preposition saying "to")

¿Adónde va? (formal)
¿Adónde vas? (informal)


P.S. Don't forget the proper punctuation, including the necessary accent marks!

To ask someone where they are going in Spanish, you can use the following phrases:

"¿A dónde vas?" - This translates to "Where are you going?" Use this phrase when talking to someone informally, like a friend or family member.

"¿A dónde se dirige (usted)?" - This translates to "Where are you heading (formal)?" Use this phrase when talking to someone in a formal setting or showing respect to someone you don't know well.

To get the answer to this question, you can use the following steps:

1. Start by greeting the person and establishing a friendly conversation if appropriate.
2. Politely ask, "¿A dónde vas?" if it's an informal setting or "¿A dónde se dirige (usted)?" if it's a formal setting.
3. Listen carefully to their response and pay attention to the details of their answer.
4. If you don't understand their response, you can politely ask for clarification by saying, "¿Podrías repetirlo, por favor?" (Could you repeat that, please?) or "¿Podrías explicarlo más despacio?" (Could you explain it slower, please?).
5. Thank the person for their response by saying "Gracias" (Thank you) or "Muchas gracias" (Thank you very much).

Remember, when asking personal questions like this, it's important to be respectful and considerate of the person's privacy.