What is an example of romantic love, fatuous love and consummate love?

ex. Infatuation would be one night stand

Romantic love is what most people feel about their spouse when they marry.


thanks :)

You're welcome.

Romantic love, fatuous love, and consummate love are three different types of love described by psychologist Robert Sternberg in his triangular theory of love. Here are examples of each type:

1. Romantic love: Romantic love is characterized by passion and intimacy, but without commitment. It is often seen in the early stages of a romantic relationship. An example of romantic love could be a couple who are deeply in love, enjoy spending time together, and have a strong physical attraction, but they haven't made a long-term commitment yet, such as getting engaged or married.

2. Fatuous love: Fatuous love is characterized by passion and commitment, but without intimacy. It involves a hasty decision to commit without taking the time to develop a deep emotional bond. An example of fatuous love might be a couple who meet and quickly decide to get married, despite not knowing each other well. They might be strongly attracted to each other physically and feel a strong sense of commitment, but they haven't yet developed an emotional connection.

3. Consummate love: Consummate love is the ideal type of love according to Sternberg, as it includes all three elements: passion, intimacy, and commitment. It represents complete and balanced love. An example of consummate love could be a long-term committed relationship or marriage where the couple experiences strong passion, emotional closeness, and a sense of commitment to each other. They have a deep emotional bond, enjoy being intimate with each other, and are committed to maintaining their relationship.

It's important to note that love can take on various forms and evolve over time. These examples serve as general representations, but individual experiences of love may vary.