I'm not great at identifying some of these figures of speech for English Please check my answers or offer suggestions

1."As flies to the wanton boys are we to the gods: they kill us for sport" Shakespeare for King Lear
Is this a simile, metaphor, personification, hyberbole, litotes, none of the above-I think this is a simile but then again I think it is an analogy but that isn't a choice
2. "And here we are as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight
Where ignorant armies clash by night
By Matthew Arnol in Dover Beach
Choices were simile, metaphor, personification, analogy, litotes, none
Would this be personifcation-compare we to a darling plain?

Yes, 1 is a simile.

2 is not a personification because it's not giving an object human qualities.

Isn't it comparing the plains to the world swept with alarms of struggle and flight that the world suffers in number 2

Do you have any suggestions what it might be? or is it a simile?

Similies use the words like or as

Metaphors don't use the words like or as

Yes, 2 is also a simile.

Could # 2 be an analogy-comparing one thing of two unseemingly related things-the world to the darkling plain?

I just thtought of that as a possibility

1. The quote "As flies to the wanton boys are we to the gods: they kill us for sport" from King Lear by Shakespeare is an example of a simile. It compares the way humans are treated by gods to how flies are treated by wanton boys. The use of "as" indicates a comparison between two different things.

To identify the figure of speech, it is important to understand the different types. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using "like" or "as." In this case, the comparison is made using "as," so it fits the definition of a simile.

2. The quote "And here we are as on a darkling plain Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight Where ignorant armies clash by night" from Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold is an example of an analogy, not personification. An analogy is a figure of speech that compares two different things to highlight their similarities.

In this quote, the speaker compares the state of humanity to being on a dark plain where there are confused alarms, struggle, flight, and clashes of armies. The use of "as" indicates a comparison, making it an analogy.

It's important to note the difference between personification and analogy. Personification is when human qualities are attributed to non-human entities, while analogy is a comparison between two different things to highlight their similarities.