how do you write 5 x 10^-11 in webassign?

5e-11 maybe

By the way in usual scientific notation you should have typed:

5 * 10^-11

Using the letter x is confusing.

To write 5 x 10^-11 in webassign, you need to use the scientific notation format. Here's how you can input it:

1. Log in to your WebAssign account and navigate to the appropriate assignment.
2. Locate the question or the input field where you need to provide the answer.
3. In the input field, enter the numerical part of the scientific notation, which is 5 in this case.
4. Next, enter the multiplication symbol, usually represented by an asterisk (*).
5. After the multiplication symbol, enter the base of the exponent, which is 10.
6. Finally, enter the exponent in the superscript format using the "^" symbol. In this case, the exponent is -11.

Putting it all together, in webassign, you would enter "5*10^(-11)" for 5 x 10^-11.

Remember to follow any additional instructions or formatting requirements provided in the question or by your instructor.