What is a 12 letter word with the 5th letter being a C, the 7th being a E, and the 11th being a T?

What is the clue? What is the definition?

To find a 12-letter word with the specified letters in specific positions, you can use an anagram solver or a word search tool. These tools allow you to input the available letters and specify the positions of the desired letters.

Here is an example of how to use a word search tool to find the answer:
1. Visit a word search website or use a word search tool.
2. Enter the available letters in the search bar. In this case, the available letters are unknown, so you would enter a placeholder like "____c__e__t".
3. Set the word length to 12 letters.
4. Specify the 5th letter as "c", the 7th letter as "e", and the 11th letter as "t".
5. Press the search button or hit enter to generate the results.

The word search tool will then provide you with a list of words that match the specified criteria. From the results, you can look for a 12-letter word with "c" as the 5th letter, "e" as the 7th letter, and "t" as the 11th letter.