The earth is moving around the sun,now a satalite with its escape velocity thrown out from the earth,if the earth will stop then escape velocity of the satalite will same or not??

To understand if the escape velocity of a satellite ejected from Earth would remain the same if the Earth were to stop moving, we need to grasp the concept of escape velocity.

Escape velocity is the minimum speed an object must achieve to escape the gravitational pull of another object. For example, on Earth, the escape velocity is roughly 11.2 km/s. If a satellite achieves this velocity or higher, it can break free from Earth's gravitational pull.

Now, let's address the scenario you presented. If the Earth were to stop moving suddenly, it means that its rotation and revolution around the sun would cease. In this hypothetical situation, the satellite would no longer be orbiting around the Earth.

However, the escape velocity of the satellite would still be the same. The escape velocity depends solely on the mass of the planet and the distance from the satellite to the center of the planet. Therefore, it would not be affected by whether the Earth is rotating or not.

In summary, the escape velocity of a satellite ejected from Earth would remain the same even if the Earth were to stop moving.