Name some situations in everyday life where positive and negative ingeters are usaful ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I DON'T GET THIS!!?!??!?!?

Please help me!

Thank You! :-)

they be used for spending and earning money. stock market gains and losses, rising and falling temperatures.

Oh yeah that make sense!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Thank You Again!!!!!!!!!!! :)
PS: NOW i understand!!! :) :) :)

np :)

In everyday life, positive and negative integers, which are whole numbers that can be either greater than zero (positive) or less than zero (negative), can be useful in various situations. Here are a few examples:

1. Temperature: Positive and negative integers are commonly used to represent temperature. Positive temperatures (above zero) typically indicate warmth, while negative temperatures (below zero) indicate coldness. By using integers, we can express temperature changes and compare different temperatures easily.

2. Bank accounts: Positive and negative integers are often used to represent the balance in bank accounts. When you deposit money, your account balance increases (positive), and when you withdraw money, your account balance decreases (negative). The use of integers allows for easy tracking of transactions and understanding of your financial situation.

3. Elevation: Positive and negative integers are used to represent changes in elevation. For example, when climbing a mountain, you may start at an elevation of 0 and move upwards, generating positive integers. Conversely, if you descend, you generate negative integers. Integers help us understand changes in altitude relative to a reference point.

4. Game scores: In competitive games, whether it's sports, video games, or board games, positive and negative integers are often used to represent scores. Positive integers are awarded for accomplishments like goals, points, or advancements, while negative integers can represent penalties or setbacks. Integers are a straightforward way to keep track of scores and determine winners.

To better understand these examples, think about different scenarios in your everyday life where numbers can have positive or negative meanings. Look for situations where quantities can increase or decrease, or where you need to compare values relative to a reference point.