An adult has 206 bones of those 2.9% are found in the inner ear. How many bones in the human body are found in the inner ear?

206 * 0.029 = ?

There are three types of bones in the inner part of your ear which are called malleus,incus, and stapes.

an adult has 206 bones. Of those, approximetly 2.9 are found in the inner ear. About how many bones in the human body are found in the inner ear?

To determine the number of bones in the human body that are found in the inner ear, we need to calculate 2.9% of the total number of bones (206).

Step 1: Calculate the percentage as a decimal.
2.9% = 2.9 / 100 = 0.029

Step 2: Multiply the decimal by the total number of bones.
0.029 * 206 = 5.974

The calculated value, 5.974, represents 2.9% of 206 bones. Since we cannot have a fractional bone, we round the value to the nearest whole number. Therefore, there are approximately 6 bones in the human body that are found in the inner ear.