
I can tell without doing any work that there is no solution.

you know that |3t-2| has to be a positive result.
so can
x + 6 = 2 ????


|3t-2| = -4
which contradicts the definition of absolute value.

To solve the equation |3t-2| + 6 = 2, follow these steps:

Step 1: Subtract 6 from both sides of the equation:
|3t-2| = 2 - 6
Simplifying, we get:
|3t-2| = -4

Step 2: Since the absolute value of any expression is always non-negative, the equation |3t-2| = -4 has no solution.

Therefore, the original equation |3t-2| + 6 = 2 is also unsolvable.

To solve the equation |3t-2|+6=2, we need to isolate the absolute value term and then solve for t.

Step 1: First, let's eliminate the constant term on the right side by subtracting 6 from both sides of the equation.

|3t-2| = 2 - 6

Simplifying the right side gives:

|3t-2| = -4

Step 2: Since the absolute value of any number is always non-negative, it can never be equal to a negative number like -4. Therefore, the equation has no solution.

In summary, the equation |3t-2| + 6 = 2 has no solution.