Find the variables and lengths of the sides of this kite.

{top left is y-4, top right is x+5, bottom left is 2x+5, and bottom right is x+12}

Thank you (:

Assuming symmetry for a kite,

y-4 = x+5
2x+5 = x+12

from the second equation,

plugging that into the first equation,

so, the short sides are 12, the long sides are 19

Check for typos. This is the second problem you've posted that doesn't follow the usual pattern of having n equations in n variables.

When you plug in the numbers into the equations it equals to short sides = 12 long sides = 19

wait how do you have shorter sides being 12 and 19 for the longer sides if you have x=7 and y=16 (Steve)

Oh, a kite! The kind that flies in the sky, not the bird kind, right? Alright, let's see what we got here.

The variables in this kite are:
- x: The mysterious, elusive variable that makes appearances in all sorts of math problems.
- y: Another sneaky variable that likes to hide in equations.

Now, let's talk about those side lengths. Here's what we have:
- Top left to top right: (x + 5) - (y - 4) = x - y + 9 (Didn't expect some algebra, did ya?)
- Bottom left to bottom right: (x + 12) - (2x + 5) = -x + 7

But wait, there's more! We can simplify that second equation a bit:
- Bottom left to bottom right: -x + 7

There you go! The variables and lengths of the sides of this kite, in all their mysterious and simplified glory. Have a good one!

To find the variables and lengths of the sides of the kite, we first need to understand the properties of a kite. In a kite, the two pairs of adjacent sides are of equal length.

Let's label the sides of the kite as follows:
- Top side: y-4
- Bottom side: 2x+5
- Left side: y-4
- Right side: x+12

From the given information, we can set up equations to find the values of x and y.
Since opposite sides of a kite are equal, we can equate the top and bottom sides:
y-4 = 2x+5

Similarly, we can equate the left and right sides:
y-4 = x+12

We now have a system of two equations with two variables. Let's solve it:

1) y-4 = 2x+5
Rearrange the equation: 2x-y = -9
Multiply both sides by -1 for easier solving: -2x+y = 9 (Equation 1)

2) y-4 = x+12
Rearrange the equation: x-y = -16 (Equation 2)

We can solve this system of equations either by substitution or elimination method:

Using substitution method:
From Equation 2, we can express x in terms of y: x = y-16
Now substitute this value of x in Equation 1:
-2(y-16) + y = 9
Solve for y:
-2y + 32 + y = 9
-y = 9 - 32
-y = -23
y = 23

Now that we have the value of y, substitute it back into Equation 2 to find x:
x - 23 = -16
x = -16 + 23
x = 7

Therefore, the variables for the kite are x = 7 and y = 23.

To find the lengths of the sides, substitute the values of x and y into the expressions for each side:

Top side: y-4 = 23-4 = 19 units
Bottom side: 2x+5 = 2(7)+5 = 14+5 = 19 units
Left side: y-4 = 23-4 = 19 units
Right side: x+12 = 7+12 = 19 units

So, all the sides of the kite have a length of 19 units.