Sorry, Reiny, I copied the 2nd choice incorrectly.

I had posted this problem with you before and the answer given that was not equalalent to A=1/2/bh was
2b =A/h.

The problem is: A = 1/2bh, which is not equivalent?
Choices: 2A =bh, h=2A/b, 2b=A/h, b=2A/h

When I got my test back 2b=A/h was the answer that was not equivalent to A=1/2bh. Did I make a mistake or was their answer incorrect?

you made the mistake 2b=h/A

To determine if the given answer, 2b = A/h, is equivalent to A = 1/2bh, we can manipulate the equation and check if the statements are true for all values of 'b' and 'h'.

Starting with the given answer, 2b = A/h, we can multiply both sides by h to isolate A:

2bh = A

By comparing this equation with the original equation, A = 1/2bh, we can see that they are identical. Therefore, the given answer, 2b = A/h, is indeed equivalent to A = 1/2bh.

In this case, it seems that the answer provided on your test was incorrect, as they stated that 2b = A/h is not equivalent to A = 1/2bh. You did not make a mistake. Make sure to clarify this discrepancy with your instructor or the person who evaluated your test.