In a certain survey of 1034 adults, 89% reported having more than one television at home. Find the actual number of reespondents corresponding to the given percentage

89% in a decimal is 0.89

To find 89% of 1034, you take the decimal, 0.89, and multiply it by 1034, is 920.26, so about 920

To find the actual number of respondents corresponding to the given percentage, you can follow these steps:

1. Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100: 89% = 89/100 = 0.89.
2. Multiply the decimal by the total number of adults surveyed: 0.89 * 1034 = 920.26.

Since the number of respondents cannot be a fraction, you should round the result to the nearest whole number. In this case, the number of respondents corresponding to the given percentage is approximately 920.