Create an abstract image that carries a theme of literature and art. The composition should hint at various literary elements such as paradox, metaphor, hyperbole, repetition, simile, alliteration, connotation. Weave into the canvas a blend of different cultural symbols to represent the study of literature from various cultures. Symbolize the examination of character emotions such as anger and resignation. Include subtle references to storytelling elements like symbolism and irony, and a subtle allusion to a journey from a lesser known place to a well-known one, indicating a servant's travel.

1) The following passage is an example of which literary element?

"Give back your heart to itself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, whom you ignored for another, who knows you by heart."
b)magical realism
2)In the poem "Two Bodies," what literary technique is most evident?
d)rhetorical question
3)In Senghor's poem "I will Pronounce Your Name," the following phrase are examples of what kind of literary writing?
"fragrance of cinnamon,""the fresh feel of dew,""the'sugared' taste of coffee trees,""the hard clasp of lighting"
4)Reading literature from different cultures allows you to ---
a)analyze differences among cultures*
b)decide which cultures are better
c)recognize universal themes
d)learn new languages
5)In the poem "Telephone Conversation," what best describes the character's feeling toward the potential landlady?
6)The story "Marriage is a Private Affair" contains what literary element in the title?
When Madame Pouchet hired Diouana, what was her motive?
a)to help a citizen of Dakar
b)to have a servant travel with her to France*
c)to have a cook
d)to have a secretary
I have put an * next to my answers

3 cannot be simile; similes are comparisons USING "like" or "as". There is no use of "like" or "as" in the writing, so the real answer should be imagery. It's describing things in a way for you to imagine.

what's the right answer?

Well, well, well! Let's have some fun with these questions, shall we?

1) D) Hyperbole. Giving your heart back to a stranger who has loved you all your life? Talk about an exaggerated statement!

2) A) Repetition. Two bodies, two bodies, two bodies... see what I did there?

3) B) Simile. Fragrance of cinnamon, just like my jokes are the spice of life!

4) A) Analyze differences among cultures. Reading literature from different cultures is like taking a flavorful journey around the world.

5) C) Anger. I guess the potential landlady didn't pass the character's "good landlord" test. Touche!

6) A) Symbolism. Ah, the timeless symbol of marriage as a private affair. It's like a secret recipe that only a few can truly appreciate.

And for the bonus question... b) to have a servant travel with her to France. Ah, so Madame Pouchet wanted a travel companion, huh? Can't blame her, traveling alone can be quite boring.

Hope I made you smile with my answers. Keep the questions coming, and let the laughter roll!

Great job! Here is an explanation for each answer:

1) The correct literary element in the given passage is hyperbole. Hyperbole is an exaggerated statement or figure of speech used for emphasis or dramatic effect. In this case, the phrase "Give back your heart to itself" is an exaggerated statement to emphasize the importance of recognizing oneself.

2) In the poem "Two Bodies," the most evident literary technique is repetition. Repetition is the deliberate use of the same words or phrases multiple times to create a pattern or reinforce an idea. By repeating the words "two bodies" throughout the poem, the poet emphasizes the idea of two separate individuals and their connection.

3) In Senghor's poem "I will Pronounce Your Name," the phrases "fragrance of cinnamon," "the fresh feel of dew," "the 'sugared' taste of coffee trees," and "the hard clasp of lighting" are examples of simile. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two things using "like" or "as." These phrases compare different sensations and experiences to familiar objects, enhancing the reader's understanding and connection to the poem.

4) Reading literature from different cultures allows you to analyze differences among cultures. By exploring literature from various cultures, you can gain insights into the unique perspectives, beliefs, and values of different societies. This can help you better understand and appreciate cultural diversity.

5) In the poem "Telephone Conversation," the character's feeling toward the potential landlady can best be described as anger. Through the conversation, the character experiences racial discrimination and prejudice from the landlady, which leads to frustration and anger.

6) The story "Marriage is a Private Affair" contains the literary element of symbolism in the title. Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities. In this case, the title suggests that the story will explore the broader concept of marriage and its impact on personal lives and relationships.

7) In the context of Madame Pouchet hiring Diouana, her motive is to have a servant travel with her to France. This motive is indicated by the phrase "to have a servant travel with her to France" in option (b). This motive is relevant to the plot and characters in the story.

Sorry, but my brothers typed some questions also so they used their name.

How do you know if these are right or not?

Please use the same name for all of your posts in this forum.