what can you tell me about the remaining parts of the triangle?

You are given the measures of two angles, beta and gamma. The three angles of a triangle always total up to 180.

alpha + beta + gamma = 180
alpha = 180 - beta - gamma
so solve for the measure of alpha

You know that gamma is 90 degrees, so you have a right triangle. You can use sin, cos, and tan relationships to find the sides.
You are told the measure of side b. Using that measure, the angles, and the trig functions, you can find the measure of the other two sides. Or just find one other side with trig and use the pythagorean theorem to find the third side.
Good Luck :)

is my question the same way to solve my problem using sss,asa,sas,aas,and HL?

not at all.

See law of sines, law of cosines.

To provide information about the remaining parts of a triangle, we first need to know what specific information or characteristics you are looking for. Triangles have various elements that can be discussed, such as sides, angles, heights, medians, midpoints, centroids, orthocenter, circumcenter, and inradius, among others.

If you could specify which aspect of the remaining parts you are interested in, it would be easier for me to give a detailed explanation regarding that particular element.