Am i on the right track?

radical of 3 times radical of three= radical of 9?

radical of 2x times radical of 2x= radical of 4x^2?

radical of 14 times radical of 2= radical of 28?


1st: but what is √9 ?

2nd: √(2x) √(2x) = √(4x^2) = 2x
generally: √a√a = a

3rd: √14 √2
= √28
= √4√7
= 2√7

oh ok so i have to simplify everything for it to be correct right?

except i don't understand your second point. I'm lost right there.

yes, you were not finished

for my 2nd:
The square root of a number times itself gives you the number itself
(√5)(√5) = √25 = 5
√23(√23) = √529 = 23
√a(√a) = a

post it.

oh ok i get it now i think i understand. so what if there is a little number inside the little v shape it makes

i cant make the radical sign. i don't know how

The √ symbol means square root

If you see a little 3 inside the √ , like ∛ , then it means cube root
if you see a little 4 inside the √ , like ∜ , then it means fourth root

I am making these symbols on a Mac

I don't know how to make them on my PC, that is why most of my answers on this website are done on my Mac.