A team manager is resolving the conflicts that exist among the members of his team in an organization,this is example of:


I agree.

couldn't it be organzing? "B"

No, C) LEADING is not the correct answer in this case. The correct answer is A) PLANNING.

Resolving conflicts among team members involves analyzing the situation, identifying the underlying causes of the conflicts, and developing a strategy for resolving them. This process falls under the category of planning.

Here's how to arrive at the correct answer:

A) PLANNING involves setting goals, determining the best course of action to achieve those goals, and developing strategies and plans.

B) ORGANIZING involves arranging and coordinating resources, tasks, and responsibilities to achieve the desired outcomes.

C) LEADING involves guiding and motivating the team members, providing direction and vision, and facilitating the achievement of goals.

D) CONTROLLING involves monitoring progress, comparing actual results with the planned objectives, and taking corrective actions as necessary.

In this case, the team manager's act of resolving conflicts aligns with the planning stage, as it involves analyzing the situation and developing a strategy for addressing and resolving the conflicts among team members.