You drive your car 2 km to the gas station, 4 km to the shopping mall to let your mother off, and 4.5 km back home. The trip takes 20 min. What is your velocity in m/s?

The AVERAGE velocity for the 20 minute interval is zero, since you end up where you started.

4+4.5+2=10.5km in total.

Trip takes twenty minutes. So if you take 8.75 meters times that by 20 then times the answer of that by 20 you get 10500 meter which is 10.5 km.
The answer is 8.75 m/s

1. set it up:

s=d/t --> s=(2+4+4.5)km/ 20min
2. Convert to meters/ seconds
s= 10.5km/20 min x 1000m/km x 1min/60s= 8.75 m/s

To calculate velocity, we need to first convert the distances from kilometers to meters, and the time from minutes to seconds.

1 kilometer (km) is equal to 1000 meters (m).
1 minute (min) is equal to 60 seconds (s).

Given information:
Distance to the gas station = 2 km = 2 * 1000 m = 2000 m
Distance to the shopping mall = 4 km = 4 * 1000 m = 4000 m
Distance back home = 4.5 km = 4.5 * 1000 m = 4500 m
Total time taken = 20 min = 20 * 60 s = 1200 s

To find the velocity, we'll use the formula:
Velocity = Total distance / Total time

Total distance = Distance to the gas station + Distance to the shopping mall + Distance back home
= 2000 m + 4000 m + 4500 m
= 10500 m

Velocity = 10500 m / 1200 s

Calculating the answer:
Velocity = 10500 / 1200
Velocity ≈ 8.75 m/s

So, your velocity is approximately 8.75 m/s.