a.Dollar Diplomacy b.Moral Diplomacy c.Big Stick Diplomacy

1. This policy protected U.S. business interests in the Carribean and Central America by deploying military force to keep order and defend markets.

2. This policy encouraged U.S. businesses to invest in foreign countries, and to lend their governments money.

3. This policy sought to establish good international relations by paying reparations to countries for past wrong-doings in those countries.


Im not really sure if Im correct because I don't no much about those policies.

I agree with your answers.

Actually, your answers are incorrect. Let me clarify the policies:

1. Big Stick Diplomacy refers to the policy of Theodore Roosevelt, which emphasized the use of military force to protect U.S. interests in the Caribbean and Central America. This is often summarized as "speak softly and carry a big stick."

2. Dollar Diplomacy, associated with President William Howard Taft, focused on promoting U.S. economic interests abroad. It aimed to encourage U.S. businesses to invest in foreign countries and use economic influence to achieve political goals.

3. Moral Diplomacy, advocated by President Woodrow Wilson, emphasized the promotion of democratic ideals and human rights in foreign policy. Its aim was to support countries that aligned with U.S. values and withhold support from those that did not.

So, the correct answers are:

1. Big Stick Diplomacy (c)
2. Dollar Diplomacy (a)
3. Moral Diplomacy (b)

I hope this clears up any confusion. Let me know if you have any further questions!

No worries! I'm here to help you understand these policies and determine the correct answers.

a. Dollar Diplomacy: This policy refers to the protection of U.S. business interests in the Caribbean and Central America by deploying military force to maintain order and defend markets. It aimed to create economic stability through the promotion of American investments in foreign countries and was associated with President William Howard Taft in the early 20th century.

b. Moral Diplomacy: This policy focused on establishing good international relations by paying reparations to countries for past wrongdoings. It sought to promote democratic ideals and protect human rights. It was associated with President Woodrow Wilson in the early 20th century.

c. Big Stick Diplomacy: This policy, often referred to as "speak softly and carry a big stick," involved using military force when necessary to protect American interests and maintain stability in the Western Hemisphere. It was associated with President Theodore Roosevelt in the early 20th century.

Now, let's match the policies to the descriptions you provided:

1. This policy protected U.S. business interests in the Caribbean and Central America by deploying military force to keep order and defend markets.

The correct answer is c. Big Stick Diplomacy.

2. This policy encouraged U.S. businesses to invest in foreign countries and lend their governments money.

The correct answer is a. Dollar Diplomacy.

3. This policy sought to establish good international relations by paying reparations to countries for past wrong-doings.

The correct answer is b. Moral Diplomacy.

So, based on the descriptions you provided, the correct answers are:

1. c. Big Stick Diplomacy
2. a. Dollar Diplomacy
3. b. Moral Diplomacy

I hope this helps clarify the concepts for you!