I forgot to include the following sentences.

Could you please check these other sentences, too.
1) Rewrite the exercise three times after learning the use of reporting verbs.
2) Revise carefully the verbs followed by the infinitive and the gerund in your book and then do the exercise again.
3)You can't guess the prepositions. You need to study them first!
4) She apologized for keeping me waiting.
5) She excused for keeping me waiting. (Isn't excused followed by a noun? I don't think this sentence is possible)
6) I've been here for three days and I'm going to spend two more days here. (Can you help me express it better?)

1) OK

2) Carefully revise the verbs followed by the infinitive and the gerund in your book, and then do the exercise again.

3) OK

4) OK

5) She excused for keeping me waiting. (Isn't excused followed by a noun? I don't think this sentence is possible)
(Yes, that verb needs a direct object in this construction. You could say, "She excused herself from the meeting." or "She apologized for keeping me waiting.")

6) I've been here for three days and will stay for two more.

Sure! Let's go through each sentence and check them:

1) Rewrite the exercise three times after learning the use of reporting verbs.
This sentence is grammatically correct and clear in meaning. You are instructed to rewrite the exercise three times after learning about reporting verbs.

2) Revise carefully the verbs followed by the infinitive and the gerund in your book and then do the exercise again.
This sentence is also grammatically correct. It suggests that you should revise the verbs that are followed by both infinitives and gerunds in your book, and then repeat the exercise.

3) You can't guess the prepositions. You need to study them first!
This sentence is clear and grammatically correct. It conveys that guessing prepositions is not sufficient, and one must study them first.

4) She apologized for keeping me waiting.
This sentence is correct and sounds natural. "Apologized" is indeed followed by the preposition "for" in this context.

5) She excused for keeping me waiting.
You're right in questioning this sentence. "Excused" is typically not followed by "for" in this context. Instead, it is commonly followed by a direct object. A possible correction would be: "She excused herself for keeping me waiting."

6) I've been here for three days and I'm going to spend two more days here.
This sentence is grammatically correct. If you want to express it a bit differently, you can say: "I've been here for three days, and I plan to stay for two more days." This rephrasing has the same meaning, but may sound a bit clearer to some people.

Overall, the sentences are mostly correct, with a few suggestions for improvement.