A __________ defines the decision-making rules for a nation, thus limiting what a government can and cannot do.

A. social contract
B. tradition
C. constitution
D. strong leader

I'll be glad to check your answer.

C. Constitution

What was stated in the English Bill of Rights?


The correct answer is C. constitution.

To determine this, we can eliminate options A, B, and D by understanding their definitions:

A. Social contract: This refers to an agreement or compact made between individuals, usually within a society or community, where they consent to form a government and abide by its rules. However, it does not specifically define the decision-making rules for a nation.

B. Tradition: This refers to customs, beliefs, or practices that are passed down from generation to generation. While traditions can influence decision-making, they do not serve as a comprehensive set of rules to limit what a government can and cannot do.

D. Strong leader: While a strong leader may have influence and power, their decision-making rules are not defined in a way that limits what a government can and cannot do.

C. Constitution: A constitution is a fundamental document that outlines the basic principles, structure, and powers of a government. It establishes the decision-making rules for a nation and sets limitations on what a government can and cannot do. It often includes provisions for the rights and freedoms of citizens as well.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. constitution.