Which of the following is a function of modern-day psychologists?

read tour thoughts
study conformity
study the future
study how the positions of planets influence a person's personality

Be more accurate in terms of designating your subject.

My PhD dissertation was on conformity.

The function of modern-day psychologists is to study different aspects of human behavior and cognitive processes to better understand and improve mental health. Let's go through the options one by one:

1. "Read your thoughts": Modern-day psychologists do not have the ability to directly read people's thoughts. While they can employ various techniques such as interviews, observation, and psychological tests to gather information about a person's thoughts and emotions, they cannot access thoughts directly. Instead, they rely on self-reporting and behavioral indicators to understand people's inner experiences.

2. "Study conformity": Studying conformity is indeed a function of modern-day psychologists. Conformity refers to the tendency of individuals to change their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to align with the majority or social norms. Psychologists study conformity to understand the underlying psychological processes and explore its implications in areas such as group dynamics and social influence.

3. "Study the future": Psychologists do not study the future as their primary focus. While they may analyze trends and patterns to make predictions in certain domains, such as psychological research on future economic behavior or societal trends, studying the future is not a core function of psychology.

4. "Study how the positions of planets influence a person's personality": The study of how the positions of planets influence a person's personality is not a function of modern-day psychologists. This concept falls under astrology, which is based on beliefs outside the realm of scientific psychology. Psychology focuses on empirical research and evidence-based approaches to study human behavior, cognition, and mental processes.

In summary, modern-day psychologists primarily focus on studying human behavior, cognition, and mental processes, including topics like conformity. They do not possess the ability to read thoughts, study the future as a core function, or investigate how the positions of planets influence personality.