Please explain in detail how to solve this:

During one year, about 163 million adults over 18 years old in the U. S. spent a total of about 93 billion hours online at home. On average, how many hours per day did each adult spend online at home? How do you write each number in scientific notation? How do you convert the units to hours per day?

To find the average number of hours each adult spent online at home per day, we need to divide the total number of hours spent online by the number of adults.

Step 1: Convert the numbers to scientific notation:
- 163 million can be written as 1.63 x 10^8 (since million is 10^6)
- 93 billion can be written as 9.3 x 10^10 (since billion is 10^9)

Step 2: Divide the total number of hours by the number of adults:
- 9.3 x 10^10 hours / 1.63 x 10^8 adults

To divide these numbers in scientific notation, we need to divide the coefficients and subtract the exponents. Thus, the result is:
- 9.3 / 1.63 x 10^10-8 = 5.71 x 10^1 (or 57.1)

Therefore, on average, each adult spent approximately 57.1 hours online at home per year.

To convert this value to hours per day, we need to divide the annual average by the number of days in a year.

Step 3: Determine the number of days in a year:
- There are approximately 365 days in a year.

Step 4: Divide the average hours per year by the number of days:
- 57.1 hours / 365 days = approximately 0.156 hours per day

So, each adult spent an average of approximately 0.156 hours (or about 9 minutes and 22 seconds) per day online at home.

To solve this problem, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the average number of hours spent online per adult.
To find the average, we divide the total number of hours spent online by the total number of adults.
Average hours per adult = Total hours spent online / Total number of adults
Average hours per adult = 93 billion hours / 163 million adults

Step 2: Convert the average hours to scientific notation.
Scientific notation expresses a large number in the form of a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10. To convert the average hours to scientific notation, we need to express 93 billion in scientific notation.

93 billion = 9.3 × 10^10 (since 1 billion = 1 × 10^9)

Step 3: Convert the units to hours per day.
To convert the average hours spent online per adult to hours per day, we divide the average hours by the number of days in a year.
Hours per day = Average hours per adult / Number of days in a year
Hours per day = (9.3 × 10^10 hours) / 365 days

Now, let's calculate the answers step by step:

Step 1: Average hours per adult = 93,000,000,000 hours / 163,000,000 adults
= 570.552 hours per adult (rounded to three decimal places)

Step 2: Scientific notation for 93 billion = 9.3 × 10^10

Step 3: Hours per day = (9.3 × 10^10 hours) / 365 days
≈ 254,794.52 hours per day (rounded to two decimal places)

So, the average number of hours each adult spent online at home is approximately 570.552 hours. In scientific notation, it can be written as 5.70552 × 10^2. The converted units in hours per day is approximately 254,794.52 hours per day.

average per year = 93 billion hrs/163 million people

= (93billion/163million) hrs/person
= 570.55 hrs/person

1 year
= 365 days

so divide the above by 365 to get hrs per day/person