You need to have read the short story "The Jade Peony" by Wayson Choy, to help me with these questions. I'm writing a personal response essay to this story and don't know these questions? Help?
1. Did any of the characters change the way they saw the world?
2.Did any of them change the way they felt about themselves and how they wanted to live?

Of course, I can help you with your questions about "The Jade Peony" by Wayson Choy. If you haven't read the story, I recommend reading it first to have a better understanding of the characters and their journey before attempting to answer the questions.

To answer the first question, "Did any of the characters change the way they saw the world?" you can start by analyzing the various characters and their individual experiences throughout the story. Look for instances where a character's perception or understanding of the world around them undergoes a significant change. Pay attention to moments where they gain new insights, confront challenges, or have meaningful interactions with others. By examining these moments, you should be able to identify any character who has undergone a transformation in their worldview.

For the second question, "Did any of them change the way they felt about themselves and how they wanted to live?" focus on the characters' self-reflection and personal growth throughout the story. Look for instances where a character's self-perception or desires change as a result of their experiences or interactions with other characters. Consider the different perspectives and beliefs the characters hold at the beginning of the story, and compare them to their attitudes and aspirations by the end. By analyzing these changes, you should be able to identify any character who undergoes a significant shift in how they view themselves and the life they want to lead.

Remember, in both cases, it's essential to provide specific examples from the text to support your analysis and interpretations.