During one year, about 13 million adults over 18 years old in the U.S. spent a total of about 93 billion hours online at home. On average how many hours per day did each adult spend on line at home? How do you write each number in scientific notation? How do you convert the units to hours per day?

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To find out how many hours per day each adult spent online at home on average, we can divide the total number of hours spent online by the total number of adults.

First, let's calculate the average number of hours each adult spent online per year:

Average hours per adult = Total hours spent online / Total number of adults
= 93 billion hours / 13 million adults

To write the numbers in scientific notation, we can convert billion to its equivalent power of 10, which is 10^9:

93 billion = 93 x 10^9

Also, 13 million can be written as:

13 million = 13 x 10^6

Now, let's substitute these values and calculate the average hours per adult:

Average hours per adult = (93 x 10^9) / (13 x 10^6)

To simplify the calculation, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by 13:

Average hours per adult = (93 x 10^9) / (13 x 10^6)
= (93/13) x (10^9/10^6)
= 7.15 x 10^3

Therefore, each adult spent an average of approximately 7.15 x 10^3 hours online at home per year.

To convert this to hours per day, we need to divide the average hours by the number of days in a year. On average, there are approximately 365 days in a year:

Hours per day = Average hours per adult / Number of days in a year
= (7.15 x 10^3) / 365
= 19.6 hours per day (rounded to one decimal place)

Therefore, each adult spent an average of 19.6 hours per day online at home.