i'm doing a project on orbital rules and i don't remember how to get the atomic mass and the atomic number. i know wher P comes from but i don't know how to get N

a lipid found in cell membranes?

To determine the atomic mass and atomic number of an element, you will need to refer to the periodic table.

1. Atomic Number (Z):
The atomic number represents the number of protons in an atom's nucleus. It is also the identifying number for each element on the periodic table. The atomic number is typically shown as a whole number above or below the element's symbol on the periodic table.

2. Atomic Mass (A):
The atomic mass represents the average mass of all the isotopes of an element. It is expressed in atomic mass units (amu) and is typically located below the element's symbol on the periodic table as a decimal number.

To calculate the atomic mass of an element, you need to consider the mass and abundance of each isotope of that element.

For example, let's calculate the atomic mass of Carbon (C):
- Carbon has two naturally occurring isotopes, Carbon-12 and Carbon-13.
- The atomic mass of Carbon-12 is exactly 12 amu.
- The atomic mass of Carbon-13 is approximately 13 amu.
- The abundance of Carbon-12 is about 98.9% while Carbon-13 has an abundance of about 1.1%.

To calculate the atomic mass (A):
((Mass of Carbon-12) * (Abundance of Carbon-12)) + ((Mass of Carbon-13) * (Abundance of Carbon-13))

((12 amu) * (0.989)) + ((13 amu) * (0.011)) = 12.01 amu

Therefore, the atomic mass of Carbon is approximately 12.01 amu.

Remember, the atomic mass listed on the periodic table is an average based on the naturally occurring isotopes of each element.