14. By 1800, the number of African slaves that had been imported to the Americas was about _______ million.

What are your choices?

What does your text say?

To find the answer to this question, you can conduct a search using reliable historical sources. One such source may be books or articles written by reputable historians specializing in the transatlantic slave trade. Online databases and scholarly articles can also provide accurate information.

Here are the steps to find the answer to the question:

1. Open a web browser and go to a search engine, such as Google.
2. Type in the keywords related to the question, for example, "number of African slaves imported to the Americas by 1800."
3. Look for reliable sources such as scholarly articles, books, or reputable websites. Preferably, look for sources from historians or academic institutions.
4. Click on the search results that seem to contain accurate information about the transatlantic slave trade or the specific time period mentioned (in this case, before 1800).
5. Scan through the information provided in the selected sources to find the data regarding the number of African slaves imported to the Americas by 1800.
6. Take note of the most commonly mentioned or widely accepted figures.
7. Once you find a consistent answer, use that figure to supply the blank in the original question.

Please note that the exact number may differ slightly depending on the source, as historical records can vary. It is always a good practice to cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy.