Is Phillips Exter Academy is a high school or a program that I can apply during high school????

I saw the website it just that I'm a bit confused. Is it a high school or a program that I can appy during high school????

Lauren -- please do not switch names.

Phillips Exeter Academy is a private high school. It's primarily a boarding school.

Oh ok because I thought it was a program so something because I saw someone wrote that she or he got accepted to this program snd that they showed there grades in 9th grade (first quarter).

But thanks anyway.

You're welcome.

Phillips Exeter Academy is a private co-educational high school located in Exeter, New Hampshire, United States. It is not a program that you can apply to during high school, but rather a stand-alone independent school that you can apply to attend for your high school education. Phillips Exeter Academy has its own curriculum, faculty, and campus, and offers a comprehensive high school education program.