Both Johnson and Lincoln were criticized for "abuse of power." Give examples for each man. Is it hypocritical to praise one and damn the other?

To provide examples of criticism for the "abuse of power" regarding Johnson and Lincoln, we first need to understand the context.

1. Abraham Lincoln (served as President from 1861 to 1865):
During the Civil War, many critics accused Lincoln of abusing his power, especially in relation to his suspension of habeas corpus. Habeas corpus is a legal protection that prevents unlawful detention, but Lincoln suspended it in certain areas to suppress dissent and maintain order during the war. Critics argued that this action violated individual rights and exceeded his constitutional authority.

2. Andrew Johnson (served as President from 1865 to 1869):
Johnson faced significant criticism during his presidency, particularly related to his approach to Reconstruction. Many believed that he favored leniency towards the Southern states, undermining the rights of newly freed slaves. Critics accused him of abusing power by interfering with the process of establishing political and civil rights for African Americans.

As for the question of hypocrisy, it depends on the specific reasons for praising one individual while criticizing the other. Hypocrisy would exist if the differing treatment is solely based on personal or partisan biases, rather than on informed assessments of their actions. However, it is essential to note that each president faced unique circumstances and had different impacts on history, which contributes to contrasting perspectives.

Ultimately, it is crucial to consider historical context and unbiased analysis when assessing the actions and criticisms of political figures like Lincoln and Johnson.