The apperance of the greatest percentageof white mice occured

(1) before the maximum number of days of snow cover
(2)at the same time as the maximum number of days of snow cover
(3) after the maximum number of days of snow cover
(4) both before and after the maximum number of days of snow cover
AM confused with this problem

2! I have the same HW!

To determine when the greatest percentage of white mice occurred relative to the maximum number of days of snow cover, you can follow these steps:

1. Gather data: Collect information on the percentage of white mice observed and the number of days of snow cover over a certain period.

2. Group the data: Sort the data by the number of days of snow cover and note the corresponding percentage of white mice in each group.

3. Calculate the greatest percentage: Identify the group with the highest percentage of white mice. This represents the greatest percentage of white mice observed.

4. Analyze the timing: Determine the position of the group with the greatest percentage of white mice relative to the maximum number of days of snow cover.

(a) If the group with the greatest percentage of white mice occurs before the group with the maximum number of days of snow cover, then the answer would be option (1) - "before the maximum number of days of snow cover."

(b) If the group with the greatest percentage of white mice occurs at the same time as the group with the maximum number of days of snow cover, then the answer would be option (2) - "at the same time as the maximum number of days of snow cover."

(c) If the group with the greatest percentage of white mice occurs after the group with the maximum number of days of snow cover, then the answer would be option (3) - "after the maximum number of days of snow cover."

(d) If there are groups with the greatest percentage of white mice both before and after the group with the maximum number of days of snow cover, then the answer would be option (4) - "both before and after the maximum number of days of snow cover."

By following these steps and analyzing the data, you can determine the relative timing of the greatest percentage of white mice compared to the maximum number of days of snow cover.