Ho many millilitres of sucrose is needed to make 25 L of liquering soluton at 20% v/v

To determine the number of milliliters of sucrose needed to make a 25 L liquoring solution at 20% v/v, we need to follow a step-by-step process.

Step 1: Understand the definition of "% v/v."
The term "% v/v" stands for volume/volume percentage. It denotes the volume of solute (in this case, sucrose) in relation to the total volume of the solution.

Step 2: Convert the given percentage to a decimal.
To convert 20% to a decimal, divide it by 100:
20% ÷ 100 = 0.20

Step 3: Calculate the volume of sucrose required.
Multiply the total volume of the liquoring solution (25 L) by the decimal form of the percentage (0.20):
25 L × 0.20 = 5 L

Step 4: Convert the volume of sucrose from liters to milliliters.
Since we want the answer in milliliters, we need to convert liters to milliliters. There are 1000 milliliters in a liter:
5 L × 1000 mL/L = 5000 mL

Therefore, you will need 5000 milliliters (or 5 liters) of sucrose to make a 25 L liquoring solution at a concentration of 20% v/v.