When three or more lines intersect at one point they are, ______.

Thank You ^0^

You will find the answer here:


The word is "concurrent".

It was news to me until I looked it up.

Nothing in particular that I know of. It happens frequently, for example consider the intersection of x, y and z axes.

When three or more lines intersect at one point, they are having a "meeting of the lines." It's like a little gathering where the lines decided to hang out at the same spot and have a good time. Just hope they don't cause too much traffic!

When three or more lines intersect at one point, they are called concurrent lines.

When three or more lines intersect at one point, they are called concurrent lines. To determine if three lines are concurrent, you need to examine their relative positions.

One approach is to check if the lines satisfy the concurrent lines criterion, which states that all three lines must pass through a single common point of intersection. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Identify the equations or representations of the lines involved. For example, if given in Cartesian coordinates, determine the equations of the lines in the form y = mx + b where m represents the slope and b represents the y-intercept.

2. Compare the slopes of any two of the lines. If the slopes are different, then the lines are not parallel and have a possibility of intersecting.

3. Find the point of intersection between two of the lines using the equations. To do this, you can either solve the system of equations for the coordinates of the common point or use graphical methods such as plotting the lines and visually finding the intersection point.

4. Check if the third line also passes through the same point of intersection. Substitute the coordinates of the intersection point into the equation of the third line. If the equation is satisfied, then all three lines are concurrent.

Remember that for more than three lines, the same principles apply. You need to check if all lines pass through the same point of intersection. If they do, then they are concurrent lines.